Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bargello needlepoint love: a work in progress

Needlepoint is my newest hobby/obsession. Bargello needlepoint in particular (also called Florentine.) I know, confusing. There are a million and one different types of stitches and styles. This one is easy. It's all about counting, really. If you can count, than you can do this, no problem. Now, finding a book IN COLOR with bargello patterns is a challenge. Maybe this is my calling... hmmmmm. Here and here are some ideas and patterns.

Are you a needlepointer? What are you making?


  1. Lovely work. the tiny stitches are very neat, i don't have the patience, so i rather big tapestry type projects. I started a Bargello needlepoint about a year ago and put i down - but i know ill come back to it soon. I normally do Cross stitch because its easy to make little pictures and type but there is only so many cross-stitched things you can hang in the house!

    1. Thank you. It is definitely time consuming. But it's one of those things I can just throw in my purse and take everywhere I go. Portability is nice and one of the main selling points for when I started. Cross-stitch is great too. I love seeing all the "new-school" cross-stitched puns out there. So clever!
